It was a treat being able to play a small part in the Menomonie Theater Guilds version of such an amazing classic. Creating the colorful life to Munchkin land was my I started by making fabric, feather, ribbon and paper flowers for all 16 Munchkins. These colorful concoctions were also seen in the set design, props and on all the tiny cast members costume accessories. Handcrafting flower headbands, pins, bow ties, hat flowers, and mini blooms for Munchkin shoes was not a tiny task, but in the end a one of a kind experience. Meeting all these over the top amazing kids and learning about what goes into making these productions was so much fun!!!

A bouquet fit for Dorthy.
Flower prop used as a gift for Dorthy from the Munchkins. These were the first fabric and paper flowers I made for the production. Creating a wire form is the beginning step in making the flowers shape and size. Picking out patterns, colors, and fun fabric combinations is my favorite part in the designing process. Cutting out each petal was the time consuming last detail of making the finished flower. All the blossoms seen in the set design were more complex and much, much larger! This bouquet has such a whimsical style it really looked the part.